The AG
The legal form AG has been chosen in order to offer our national and international partners a sound base for transparency and open communication.
With the lineup of the advisory board a great focus on the casting of the persons acting has been placed, to have ambitious sparring partners individually and a successful team on the whole.
The Team
The team of MediNova AG has a long-standing, established and international experience in the field of Consumer Healthcare, especially in Oral Care. The sum of all core competences allows us to cover all aspects of the development chain, from the idea to the shelf.
Sales & Finance
Helmut W. Schlieper
Poduction & Technology
Matthias Georgi
Marketing & Communication
Jürgen Reinhardt
Design & Prototyping
Christoph Geiberger
Der Aufsichtsrat
Bei der Besetzung des Aufsichtsrates wurde sehr viel Wert auf die Auswahl der handelnden Personen gelegt, um anspruchsvolle Sparringspartner im Einzelnen und ein erfolgreiches Team im Ganzen zu schaffen.